To make students Industry Ready, College of Engineering Roorkee (COER) focuses on Project Based Learning (PBL) concept. PBL is an innovative method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world technical/ non-technical problems and provide solutions.This strategy of learning to enhance Industrial Technical Skills, COER motivates each student to implement at least one project in each year.
In view of this, COER established a DIY Laboratory to inculcate innovative spirit among the Undergraduate and Post Graduate students through the concept of Do-It-Yourself. This lab was inaugurated on Nov 03rd ,2017 by Honourable Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, Shri Trivendra Singh Rawat and Honourable Chairman, Er. Shri J.C Jain.
This lab acts as a playground for manifestation of ideas, where instruments, tools and consumables can be accessed in all engineering domains free of cost (No limit of funds on Research and Development of Innovative Projects).
Mentoring and Technical Support
COER provides Mentoring and Technical Support to each students in project implementation. COER faculty members are trained in all emerging areas of Engineering & Management due to which they provide unique background to induce innovations in each project. COER allots one mentor to each group for providing basic knowledge of the selected domain and topics. COER also provides technical staffs who help in implementations. COER also provides various innovative labs (such as Automation, Pneumatics, Hydraulics, PLC, Parallel Processing/ High Computing, Space and Rocket, Networking, Computer Hardware, IoT etc.) for learning of related emerging technologies.
Apart from Mentors, Students are supported by senior students of various technical clubs (TRIAC, SAE, AREO, EEE MANIAC etc.) who share their ideas and helps in Design and Implementation of their projects.
Enrolment Procedure:
- Selection of domain by the student/ team with the help of department coordinator
- Presentation of project proposal to DIY Committee Members
- After selection, mentors are allotted
- Detailed project requirement submission to DIY Admin
- After approval, all components and tools are provided
Suggested Domains:
- Mechanical
- Automobile
- Aviation
- Automation
- Refiregation
- IoT Based Engines
- Light weight Engines/Cars/Automobile
- Drone, chopper, Aeroplane
- Electronic
- Robotics
- Military bots
- Medical bots
- Industrial bots
- Embedded
- Advanced robotics
- Electrical
- Renewable Energy
- Solar
- Wind
- Hydro
- Micro gird
- Smart grid
- IoT based Machine operation
- Smart homes
- E-kart
- Computer science/Information technology/MCA/MBA
- Website designing
- Website development
- App Development
- App designing
- Civil
- Disaster management system
- New modelling
- Architecture
- Smart building solution
- Earthquake resistant building
- Building health monitoring
- Agriculture
- Agriculture drone
- Farming system
- Smart irrigation
- Smart farming
- Roof farming
- Greenhouse effect study