S.No | Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department of the teacher | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN number | Link of Journal/ article | Month/ Year | UGC Care Group | Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal |
1 | Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and response surface methodology in biodiesel synthesis from jatropha–algae oil and its performance and emission analysis on diesel engine coupled with generator | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Energy | 2020-21 | ISSN: 0360-5442 | Click Here | 19-Mar-21 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
2 | Investigation of the shelf life of the optimized Neem biodiesel and its execution and excretion characteristics on automotive diesel engine | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Energy Resource Part A: Recovery utilization and Environmental Effects | 2020-21 | ISSN: 1556-7230 | Click Here | 1-Feb-21 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
3 | Advances of Carbon Capture and Storage in Coal-Based Power Generating Units in an Indian Context | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Energies | 2020-21 | 1996-1073 | Click Here | 10-Aug-20 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
4 | Production & optimization of biodiesel from rubber oil using BBD technique | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Materials Today: Proceedings | 2020-21 | 2214-7853 | Click Here | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here | |
5 | A source of nano catalyst in transesterification process | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Materials Today: Proceedings | 2020-21 | 2214-7853 | Click Here | 22-Oct-20 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
6 | Photovoltaic cells cooling techniques for energy efficiency optimization | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Materials Today: Proceedings | 2020-21 | 2214-7853 | Click Here | 22-Oct-20 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
7 | A comprehensive review of the influence of physicochemical properties of biodiesel on combustion characteristics, engine performance and emissions | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering | 2020-21 | 2095-7564 | Click Here | 28-Jul-21 | UGC-CARE Group 1 | Click Here |
8 | A review on bioenergy and biofuel production | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Materials Today: Proceedings | 2020-21 | 2214-7853 | Click Here | 3-Apr-21 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
9 | Deep Multi-Model Fusion for Human Activity Recognition Using Evolutionary Algorithms | Kamal Kant Verma, Brijmohan Singh | Computer Science | IJIMAI Journal | 2020-21 | 1989-1660 | Click Here | In Press | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
10 | Multi-interval programming based scheduling of appliances with user preferences and dynamic pricing in residential area | Govind Rai Goyal | Electrical Engineering Department | Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks | 2020-21 | 2352-4677 | Click Here | 13-Jul-21 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
11 | Modelling of all optical SR Latch by using plasmonic Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) waveguides | Mayank Chauhan | Information Technology | Plasmonics | 2020-21 | 1557-1955 | Click Here | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here | |
12 | Experimental investigation of quenching of a single exposed heated channel of 220 MWe IPHWR | Nitesh Dutt | Mechanical Engineering | Nuclear Engineering and Design | 2020-21 | 0029-5493 | Click Here | 13-Aug-21 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
13 | A Novel Hybrid Deep Learning Method with Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Classification of Arrhythmia Disease Using ECG Signals | DV Gupta | Mathematics | Neural Computing & Applications | 2020-21 | 0941-0643 | Click Here | 21-Apr-21 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
14 | An Anomalous Co-Operative Trust and PG-DRL Based Vampire Attack Detection and Routing | DV Gupta | Mathematics | Concurrency and Computation:Practice and Experience | 2020-21 | 1532-0626 | Click Here | 9-Aug-21 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
15 | Two-Stage Human Activity Recognition using 2D-ConvNet | Kamal Kant Verma, Brij Mohan Singh, H L Mandoria, Prachi Chauhan | Computer Science and Engineering | International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence | 2019-20 | 1989-1660 | Click Here | 2020 april 24 | UGC Care Group-2 | Click Here |
16 | QoS-Based Energy-Efficient Protocols for Wireless Sensor Network | Neelam Sharma, B. M. Singh, K. Singh | Computer Science and Engineering | Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Elsevier | 2019-20 | 2210-5379 | Click Here | 2020 August 14 | UGC Care Group-2 | Click Here |
17 | PREDICTIVE AND RESPONSIVE MOBILE DETECTION TOOL FOR INFECTED COVID-19 SYMPTOMATIC CARRIER | Manish Kumar, Diwakar, Bhupal Arya | Computer Science and Engineering | Journal of Natural Remedies | 2019-20 | 2320-3358 | Click Here | 2020 Jun 22 | UGC Care Group-2 | Click Here |
18 | Improved Task Scheduling using Effective Particle Swarm Optimization in Cloud Computing Environment | Ankit Tomar, Bhaskar Pant, Vikas Tripathi, Priyank Pandey, Kamal Kant Verma | Computer Science | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) | 2019-20 | 2249-8958 | Click Here | Dec-19 | UGC Care Group-2 | Click Here |
19 | A review of supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques for suspicious behavior recognition in intelligent surveillance system | Kamal Kant Verma, Brij Mohan Singh, Amit Dixit | Computer Science and Engineering | International Journal of Information Technology, Springer | 2019-20 | 2511-2104 | Click Here | 20-Sep-19 | UGC Care Group-1 | Click Here |
20 | Video Flame and Smoke Based Fire Detection Algorithms: A Literature Review | Anshul Gaur, Abhishek Singh, Anuj Kumar, Ashok Kumar, and Kamal Kapoor | Physics | Fire Technology:Springer | 2019-20 | 1572-8099 | Click Here | April, 2020 | UGC-CARE group 2 | Click Here |
21 | Dispersion of Lead in Hypoeutectic Aluminium-Silicon Alloys by Spray Forming Process and their Characterization | Kumar S., Tomar A., and Singh D | Physics | Materials Science Forum | 2019-20 | 1662-9752 | Click Here | Feb-20 | UGC-CARE group 2 | Click Here |
22 | A Battle between Women Empowerment and Patriarchal System in Shobhaa De’ S Novel Sisters | Dr.Rahmi Gupta.Dr.Pinki Chugh | English | PURAKALA | 2019-20 | ISSN : 0971-2143 | Click Here | Jun-20 | UGC-CARE group 1 | Click Here |
23 | Assessment of Deployment of DGs and D-STATCOMs in Distribution Network using Gravitational Search Algorithm | Aadesh Kumar Arya, Ashwani Kumar, Saurabh Chanana | Electrical Engineering Department | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, | 2019-20 | ISSN:2277-3878 | Click Here | 20-Jan | UGC-CARE group 2 | Click Here |
24 | Analysis of Distribution System with D-STATCOM by Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) | Aadesh Kumar Arya, Ashwani Kumar, Saurabh Chanana | Electrical Engineering Department | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) | 2019-20 | ISSN: 2250-2157 | Click Here | Feb-19 | UGC-CARE group 2 | Click Here |
25 | CFD Analysis of suspended debris during postulated severe core damage accident of PHWR | Nites Dutt, Ankit R Singh, Pradeep Kumar Sahoo | Mechanical | Nuclear Engineering and Design | 2019-20 | ISSN: 0029-5493 | Click Here | Feb-20 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
26 | A prospective utilization of the biomass for the production of the biodiesel | Deepak Verma and Siddharth Jain | Mechanical Engineering | Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry | 2019-20 | 1875-6298 | Click Here | May-20 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
27 | Municipal solid waste generation, composition, and management: the global scenario | Kapil Sharma and Siddharth Jain | Mechanical Engineering | Social Responsibility Journal | 2019-20 | 1747-1117 | Click Here | 23-Jun-20 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
28 | Process parameter optimization of biodiesel production from algal oil by response surface methodology and artificial neural networks | Akshay Garg and Siddharth Jain | Mechanical Engineering | Fuel | 2019-20 | 0016-2361 | Click Here | 1-Oct-20 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
29 | Optimization of low-temperature transesterification of low FFA blend of sunflower oil and algae oil | Akshay Garg, Siddharth Jain, Gaurav Dwivedi and Tikendrs Nath Verma | Mechanical Engineering | Fuel | 2019-20 | 0016-2361 | Click Here | 1-Nov-20 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
30 | Experimental study on biodiesel production parameters optimization of Jatropha-Algae oil mixture and diesel engine coupled with generator performance and emission analysis fuelled with diesel/biodiesel blend | Sunil Kumar, Siddharth Jain, Harmesh Kumar | Mechanical Engineering | ACS Omega | 2019-20 | 2470-1343 | Click Here | 6-Jul-20 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
31 | Production and optimization of biodiesel from rubber seed using BBD technique | Mayank chhabra, gaurav dwivedi, Prashant Baredar, Anoop Kumar Shukla, Akshay Garg, Siddharth Jain | Mechanical Engineering | Materials Today: Proceedings | 2019-20 | 2214-7853 | Click Here | 7-Jul-20 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
32 | Machine Learning based Model to combat Covid19 | Deepak Painuli, Divya Mishra, Suyash Bhardwaj, Mayank Agarwal | Computer Science and Engineering | International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering | 2018-19 | 2306-708X | Click Here | Jul-20 | UGC Care Group-1 | Click Here |
33 | Fire sensing Technology : A Review | A. Gaur, A. Singh, A. Kumar, K. S. Kulkarni, S. Lal, K. Kapoor, V. Srivastava, A. Kumar | Physics | IEEE Sensors Journal | 2018-19 | 1530-437X | Click Here | May1, 2019 | UGC-CARE group 2 | Click Here |
34 | Energy Saving in Distribution System using Internet of Things in Smart Grid Environment | Aadesh Kumar Arya, Saurabh Chanana and Ashwani Kumar | Electrical Engineering Department | International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems | 2018-19 | ISSN: 2210-142X | Click Here | Mar-19 | UGC-CARE group 2 | Click Here |
35 | Study of entropy Genration in heat exchanger tube with multipal V cuts in perforated twisted tape insert | Siddarth Jain | Mechanical | Journal of Heat transfer | 2018-19 | 1528-8943 | Click Here | Aug 2019, | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
36 | Effect of V cuts in perforated twisted tape insert on heat transfer and fluid flow behaviour of tube flow: an expermental study | Siddarth Jain | Mechanical | Experimental heat Transfer | 2018-19 | ISSN-0891-6152 | Click Here | 15-Nov-18 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
37 | Response surface methodology based optimization of insitu transesterification of dry algae with methanol, H2SO4 and NaOH | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Fuel | 2018-19 | ISSN: 0016-2361 | Click Here | Mar-19 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
38 | Overview of Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Composition and Management in India | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Journal of Environmental Engineering | 2018-19 | ISSN (online): 1943-7870 | Click Here | Jan-19 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
39 | Prediction of Jatropha-Algae biodiesel blend oil yield with the application of artificial neural networks technique | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Energy Resource Part A: Recovery utilization and Environmental Effects | 2018-19 | ISSN: 1556-7230 | Click Here | Nov-18 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
40 | An enhanced-simple protocol for wireless body area networks | Neelam Sharma, Karan Singh, B. M. Singh | Computer Science | Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, School of Engineering, Taylor’s University | 2017-18 | 1823-4690 | Click Here | Jan-18 | UGC Care Group-2 | Click Here |
41 | A load based transmission control protocol for wireless sensor networks | Neelam Sharma, Karan Singh, B. M. Singh | Computer Science | International Journal of Information Technology, Springer | 2017-18 | 2511-2112 | Click Here | Apr-18 | UGC Care Group-1 | Click Here |
42 | Sectorial stable election protocol for wireless sensor network | Neelam Sharma, Karan Singh, B. M. Singh | Computer Science | Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, School of Engineering, Taylor’s University | 2017-18 | 1823-4690 | Click Here | May-18 | UGC Care Group-2 | Click Here |
43 | Cross domain analyzer to acquire review proficiency in big data | Arora, Preeti, Deepali Virmani, and P. S. Kulkarni | Mathematics | ICT Express, Science direct | 2017-18 | ISSN: 2405-9595 | Click Here | Sep-17 | UGC-CARE group 2 | Click Here |
44 | Performance Evaluation of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and response surface methodology in modeling biodiesel synthesis from Jatropha-algae oil | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Energy Resource Part A: Recovery utilization and Environmental Effects | 2017-18 | ISSN: 1556-7230 | Click Here | Aug-18 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
45 | Development of Decision Model for Power Generation from Carbonized Food Waste | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Waste and Biomass Valorization | 2017-18 | 1877-265X (Online) | Click Here | Apr-17 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
46 | Process parameter assessment of biodiesel production from a Jatropha–algae oil blend by response surface methodology and artificial neural network | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Energy Resource Part A: Recovery utilization and Environmental Effects | 2017-18 | ISSN: 1556-7230 | Click Here | Nov-17 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
47 | Low temperature optimization of biodiesel production from algal oil using CaO and CaO/Al2O3 as catalyst by the application of response surface methodology | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Energy | 2017-18 | ISSN: 0360-5442 | Click Here | Dec-17 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
48 | UML 2.0 based framework for the development of secure web application | Nitish Pathak,B. M. Singh,Girish Sharma | Computer Science | International Journal of Information Technology, Springer">Click Here | 2016-17 | 2511- 2104 | Click Here | Feb-17 | UGC Care Group-1 | Click Here |
49 | UNUSUAL EVENT DETECTION AND LOCALIZATION USING OPTICAL FLOW TECHNIQUE | Taresh Singh , Dr B M Singh | Computer Science | International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) | 2016-17 | 2319-8613 | Jan-17 | UGC Care Group-2 | Click Here | |
50 | An Approach for Big Data to Evolve the Auspicious Information from Cross- Domains. | Arora, Preeti, DeepaliVirmani, and P. S. Kulkarni | Mathematics | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) | 2016-17 | ISSN: 2088-8708 | Click Here | Apr-17 | UGC-CARE group 2 | Click Here |
51 | Process parameter optimization of low temperature transesterification of algae-Jatropha Curcas oil blend | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Energy | 2016-17 | ISSN: 0360-5442 | Click Here | Sep-17 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
52 | Effect of natural fibers surface treatment and their reinforcement in thermo- plastic polymer composites: A review | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Current Organic Synthesis | 2016-17 | ISSN: 1875-6271 (Online) | Click Here | Sep-17 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
53 | Multi-Oriented Text Extraction in Stylistic Documents | Brij Mohan Singh | Computer Science | International Journal of Image and Graphics | 2015-16 | 0219- 4678 | Click Here | Feb-15 | UGC Care Group-2 | Click Here |
54 | Experimental Analysis of SPF Based Secure Web Application | Nitish Pathak,B. M. Singh,Girish Sharma | Computer Science | I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, | 2015-16 | 2075-0161 (Print) 2075-017X (Online) | Click Here | Feb-15 | UGC Care Group-2 | Click Here |
55 | Survey on Different Enhanced K-Means Clustering Algorithm | Himanshu Gupta | Computer Science Department | International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT) | 2015-16 | ISSN: 2231-5381 | Click Here | May-15 | UGC Care Group-2 | Click Here |
56 | Emerging biorefinery technologies for Indian forest industry to reduce GHG emissions | Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | 2015-16 | 0147-6513 | Click Here | Nov-15 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |
57 | Cold flow properties improvement of Jatropha curcas biodiesel and waste cooking oil biodiesel using winterization and blending | Shubham Nainwal, Naman Sharma, arnav sev sharma, Shivani Jain, Siddharth Jain | Mechanical | Energy | 2015-16 | ISSN: 0360-5442 | Click Here | Sep-15 | UGC-CARE Group 2 | Click Here |