en laboratory


First Year labs

Computer Programming Lab

About Lab

The purpose of this course is to introduce to students to the field of programming using C language. The students will be able to enhance their analyzing and problem solving skills and use the same for writing programs in C.

Lab Outcomes

  • After Completion of the course student should able to Know concepts in problem solving
  • To perform programming in C language
  • To write diversified solutions using C language

Second Year labs

Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab

About Lab

To study basic electronic componenets.
To observe characteristics of electronic devices
Identification, Specifications, Testing of R, L, C Components (Colour Codes),Potentiometers,Switches(SPDT, DPDT, and DIP) Bread Boards.

Lab Outcomes

  • At the end of the course the students can able to
  • Measure voltage,frequency and phase of any waveform using CRO.
  • Generate sine, square and triangular waveforms with required frequency and amplitude using function generator.
  • Analyze the characteristics of different electronic devices such as diodes transistors etc., and simple circuits like rectifiers,amplifiers etc.,


About Lab

Electromechanical Energy Conversion

(EMEC) Laboratory is the one the oldest and important laboratory of Electrical Engineering Department. The lab is equipped with conventional and modern electrical & electronic measuring equipments and ac & dc electrical machines. In the lab students study, learn & perform the experiments on different types of electrical machines such as - transformers, Synchronous motors, alternators, dc motors & generators, three phase and single phase induction motors, relays and controlled rectifiers to verify the different characteristics of the electrical machines.

Lab Outcomes

  • In the lab students study, learn & perform the experiments on different types of electrical machines such as - transformers, Synchronous motors, alternators, dc motors & generators, three phase and single phase induction motors, relays and controlled rectifiers to verify the different characteristics of the electrical machines.

Network and Measurement Lab

About Lab

To provide in depth knowledge of various

methods to find response in electrical networks. It provides understanding of various circuits and contributes to solution of engineering problems with help of analysis of electrical networks.

Lab Outcomes

  • To provide in depth knowledge of various methods to find response in electrical networks. It provides understanding of various circuits and contributes to solution of engineering problems with help of analysis of electrical networks.


About Lab

Electromechanical Energy Conversion (EMEC) Laboratory is the one the oldest and important laboratory of Electrical Engineering Department. The lab is equipped with conventional and modern electrical & electronic measuring equipments and ac & dc electrical machines. In the lab students study, learn & perform the experiments on different types of electrical machines such as - transformers, Synchronous motors, alternators, dc motors & generators, three phase and single phase induction motors, relays and controlled rectifiers to verify the different characteristics of the electrical machines.

Lab Outcomes

  • In the lab students study, learn & perform the experiments on different types of electrical machines such as - transformers, Synchronous motors, alternators, dc motors & generators, three phase and single phase induction motors, relays and controlled rectifiers to verify the different characteristics of the electrical machines.

Microprocessors Lab

About Lab

Processors are increasingly pervading all aspects of industries like mobile communicstion, wireless communication, Radar communication, signal processing, process automation and, smart education integration and intertestingly in the household products. leading examples of these techniques are the microprocessor, and microcontroller based products getting quick visibility everywhere, as its use increases the need for knowledge and understanding also grows. The Advance Microprocessors Lab/Microprocessors and microcontroller lab

was designed to give an overview over the programming of such a microprocessor as well microcontroller based system. The students will write and debug assembly language programs using the various simulators and assemblers and then interact with the hardware with their approach of programming. This Lab provides students with the opportunity to gain experience in software cum hardware interactive approach to microprocessor-based system design, assembly language programming, and I/O interfacing to microprocessors, microcontroller based system design.

Lab Outcomes

  • Apply the fundamentals of assembly level programming of microprocessors and microcontrollers.
  • Build a program on a microprocessor and microcontroller using their respective instruction sets.
  • Summarize the concepts of Assembly level language programming and its applications on real projects.
  • Analyze abstract problems and apply a combination of hardware and software to address the problem
  • Contrast how different I/O devices can be interfaced to processor and will explore several techniques of interfacing.
  • Experiment with standard microprocessor interfaces including GPIO, ports, digital-to-analog converters and analog-to-digital converters etc
  • Make use of standard test and measurement equipment to evaluate digital interfaces.

Communication Engineering Lab

About Lab

The experiments in this laboratory enable the students to gather basic knowledge on communication systems. Different experiments are performed which forms the fundamental blocks of any communication system used now-a-days. Experiments are performed using electronic instrument, such as oscilloscopes, signal generators, spectrum analyzers, and network analyzers. Certain experiments are simulated using MATLAB and P-SPICE simulation software.

Lab Outcomes

  • To practice the basic theories of analog communication system. To provide hands-on experience to the students, so that they are able to apply theoretical concepts in practice.
  • To use computer simulation tools such as P-SPICE, or MATLAB to carry out design experiments as it is a key analysis tool of engineering design.
  • To give a specific design problem to the students, which after completion they will verify using the simulation software or hardware implementation.

Third Year labs

Applied Instrumentation Lab

About Lab

The course content should be taught and implemented with the aim to develop required skills in the students so that they are able to acquire following competencies:
Operate and maintain different types of instrument air supply systems and plant interlock system.
Select, install and maintain various instrumentation & control systems for various process industries

Lab Outcomes

  • Select appropriate instruments according to process application requirement.Utilize instrument drawings during installation and commissioning of plant.
  • Design a plant interlock circuit.
  • Test and maintain major control loops of cement, textile and power plant. Design, test and maintain major control loops for heat exchanger, chemical reactors and distillation columns

DSP Lab.

About Lab

Digital Processing lab will introduce the basic concepts and techniques for processing signals on a computer by using various softwares will make you familiar with the most important methods in DSP, including digital filter design, transform-domain processing and importance of Signal Processors. The course emphasizes on intuitive understanding and practical implementations of the theoretical concepts.

Lab Outcomes

  • By the end of the course the student will be able to: represent discrete-time signals analytically and visualize them in the time domain.
  • Understand the meaning and implications of the properties of systems and signals.
  • Understand the Transform domain and its significance and problems related to computational complexity.
  • Be able to specify and design any digital filters on various Softwares.

Concepts of Programming and OOPs (C++, Java) Lab.

About Lab

To familiarize the students with language environment.
To implement various concepts related to language.

Lab Outcomes

  • Be able to understand the difference between object oriented programming and procedural oriented language and data types in C++.
  • Be able to program using C++ features such as composition of objects, Operator overloading, inheritance, Polymorphism etc.
  • At the end of the course students will able to simulate the problem in the subjects like Operating system, Computer networks and real world problems.

Control System Lab.

About Lab

Will have a strong knowledge on MATLAB and Millennium software.
They get the basic knowledge on practical control system and its applications.
They get the knowledge on applications of machines & electronic devices with control systems.

Lab Outcomes

  • To understand the working of various control system equipments like:- LVDT, RTD ETC.
  • Ability to formulate transfer function for given control system problems. Ability to find time response of given control system model.
  • Plot Root Locus and Bode plots for given control system model. Ability to design Lead, Lag, Lead-Lag systems in control systems
  • Ability to design PID controllers for given control system model

Power Electronics

About Lab

Able to understand various Power Electronics devices such as SCR, TRIAC, DIAC, IGBT, GTO etc. Able to understand application of aforesaid Power Electronics devices in Choppers, Inverters and Converters etc. Able to understand control of Electrical Motors through DC-DC converters, AC Converters etc.

Lab Outcomes

  • Able to understand various Power Electronics devices such as SCR, TRIAC, DIAC, IGBT, GTO etc.
  • Able to understand application of aforesaid Power Electronics devices in Choppers, Inverters and Converters etc.
  • Able to understand control of Electrical Motors through DC-DC converters, AC Converters etc.

Data Structure Lab.

About Lab

The objective of this lab is to teach students various data structures and to explain them algorithms for performing various operations on these data structures. This lab complements the data structures course. Students will gain practical knowledge by writing and executing programs in C or C++ using various data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, hash tables and search trees.

Lab Outcomes

  • The student will be able to Design and analyze the time and space efficiency of the data structure.
  • Identity the appropriate data structure for given problem.
  • Understand the applications of data structures.
  • Choose the appropriate data structure and algorithm design method for a specified application.
  • Understand which algorithm or data structure to use in different scenarios.
  • Understand and apply fundamental algorithmic problems including Tree traversals, Graph traversals.
  • Compare different implementations of data structures and to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of them.
  • Be familiar with programming with numerical packages like MATLAB.
  • Write complex applications using structured programming methods.

Fourth Year labs

Power System Lab

About Lab

Power system lab is equipped with apparatus and devices to make all important tests of power system including generation unit with control panel and protection equipments passing through the transmission lines to the load units with power factor correction panel

Lab Outcomes

  • Able to understand per unit system.
  • Able to understand Positive Sequence, Negative & zero sequence system and fault analysis.
  • Able to design Power System. Able to understand that in real world, How to control the Power system. How much power should be allowed in Transmission lines, so that system should not be out of synchronism? In real world, How the Reactive Power and voltage can be controlled

OFC & VLSI Simulation Lab.

About Lab

This lab course is associated with the theory course on the same topic (OSE 4470) on Introduction to the Principles of Optical Fiber Communication Systems. This laboratory course will enable students to relate what they have learnt in classroom to practical, hands-on experiments that will be performed in a fiber optic communication laboratory. Take away the “fear factor” by providing experience of operating various equipment. Establish good practices in experimentation including accurate data collection, and critical thinking, analysis of data, and sources of error. Learn to write lab reports.

Lab Outcomes

  • Upon completing this course, students will become familiar with various fiber optic components and systems and know how to:
  • Couple light in and out of fibers and connect them
  • Measure loss and dispersion in fibers
  • Measure the performance of analog and digital fiber links
  • Relate an integrated view of engineering by explaining the fundamental analogies between electrical and optical communication systems

Industrial Interaction

About Lab

Better interaction between Technical institutions and industry is the need of the hour. This will have great bearing on the Engineering Curriculum, exposure of industrial atmosphere to engineering students and subsequent placement of young graduating engineers in industries across the country. With the advent of globalization and opening up of Indian economy to outside world, competitions among industries have become stiff. To solve their engineering problems they look up now to engg. Institutions. Similarly, there is an urgent need to prepare engineering students for jobs in multinational companies, by exposing them to newer technologies and engineering methodologies. These objectives can only be achieved well by bridging the gap between industry and the academic institute.

Lab Outcomes

  • After Completion of the course student should able to Know concepts in problem solving
  • To convert the industrial interactions and guest lecturers into internships and subsequently placements. To provide students with a platform to interact with the industry experts and alumni and obtain practical exposure through these interactions.
  • To write diversified solutions using C language
  • Consultancy projects.
  • Scholarships/fellowships instituted by industries at the Institute for students.
  • Practical training of students in industries.
  • Joint research programs and field studies by faculty and people from industries.
  • R&D Laboratories sponsored projects by industries at the Institute.


About Lab

The overall objective of this project lab is to improve the Ability of the student to function effectively in teams to accomplish a common goal of enhancing their technical skills and to learn and practice latest technologies by undertaking research and industrial projects.

Lab Outcomes

  • This culminates with the successful completion of a year-long project drawn from the industry or research field;applying the concepts learnt throughout the graduation. the project is periodically reviewed by the mentors and the assigned instructor.

Electric Drive Lab

About Lab

Main focus of the laboratory is on the measurement and control of electric drives. This lab enables students to understand the basic principles of power electronics in drives using switch-mode converters and pulse width modulation to synthesize the voltages in dc and ac motor drives.

Lab Outcomes


  • Able to understand the basic principles of power electronics in drives using switch-mode converters and pulse width modulation to synthesize the voltages in dc and ac motor drives.
  • Able to understand the basic concepts of magnetic circuits as applied to electric machines.
  • Able to understand the two basic principles (generation of force and EMF) that govern electromechanical energy conversion. Able to describe the operation of dc motor drives to satisfy four-quadrant operation to meet mechanical load requirements.
  • Able to design torque, speed and position controller of motor drives. Able to learn the use of space vectors presented on a physical basis to describe the operation of an ac machine.