Mrs. Anuradha
- Perusing Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from Uttarakhand Technical University
- M.Tech (Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidyalaya Indore)
- B. E (M.N.N.I.T.Allahabad)
- hod-en@coer.ac.in
Mrs. Anuradha is working as Sr. Assistant Professor and Head in Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Mrs.Anuradha received her B.E in Electrical Engineering from M.N.N.I.T.Allahabad (Formerly Known M.N.R.E.C.Allahabad) and M.Tech degree in Energy Management from Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidyalaya Indore in 1994 and 2010 respectively. She is persuing her Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from Uttarakhand Technical University, Mrs. Anuradha has 20 years teaching and six years industrial experience. She has published 20 research papers in refered international journals/national journals and international conference proceedings. Her main interests focus on Renewable Energy, Hybrid Energy, Smart grid, Power sytem optimization and Energy management.
anuradha@coer.ac.in ,