Mechanical Engineering Laboratories
Engineering Graphics lab-
- To prepare you to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
- To prepare you to communicate effectively.
- To prepare you to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
- Introduction to engineering design and its place in society
- Exposure to the visual aspects of engineering design
- Exposure to engineering graphics standards
- Exposure to solid modeling
- Exposure to computer-aided geometric design
- Exposure to creating working drawings
- Exposure to engineering communication
Manufacturing Practices / Workshop-
The course on Engineering Workshop Practice is intended to expose engineering students to different types of manufacturing / fabrication processes, dealing with different materials such as metals, ceramics, plastics, wood, glass etc.
Lab Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
- Understanding different manufacturing techniques and their relative advantages/ disadvantages with respect to different applications.
- Selection of a suitable technique for meeting a specific fabrication need.
- Acquire a minimum practical skill with respect to the different manufacturing methods and develop the confidence to design & fabricate small components for their project work and also to participate in various national and international technical competitions.
- Introduction to different manufacturing methods in different fields of engineering.
- Practical exposure to different fabrication techniques.
- Creation of simple components using different materials.
- Exposure to some of the advanced and latest manufacturing techniques being employed in the industry.
Basic Mechanical Lab-
The lab provides required practical training to all Engineering students. The workshop has all necessary machines to carry out tensile and compression test of metals and non-metals. Impact testing machine used to find the impact strength of materials specimen. Lab also have the model of IC Engines and different types of boilers.
Lab Outcomes
- To find experimentally the material properties like tensile, compressive and impact strength.
- To understand basics of IC engines, steam engine and refrigeration cycle.
- Obtains practical knowledge about theory of friction, principle of moment and moment of inertia.
List of Suggestive Core Experiments:
Theory related Eight to Ten experiments including core experiments as follows:
1- Study of Universal Testing machines.
2- Linear and Angular measurement using, Micrometer, Slip Gauges, Dial Gauge and Sine-bar.
3- Hardness Testing.
4- Impact Testing.
5- Verification of Bernoulli’s Theorem.
6- Study of various types of Boilers.
7- Study of different IC Engines.
8- Study of different types of Boilers Mountings and accessories
Material Science and Technology Lab:-
Material science is the science where we study and investigate relationship between the properties of the materials to their atomic structure. Properties are very important in the process of designing the durable components / machines / structures etc. These properties include mechanical properties, thermal properties, electrical properties, optical properties or magnetic properties or deteriorative properties. All of these properties are decided by the atomic arrangement of the materials. Furthermore, a material’s performance will be a function of its properties.
This laboratory provides the know-how of the atomic structures of materials and possible defects therein through various animated computerized models. Properties are also dependent on the micro-structure (grain structure and phase structure) of the materials. With the help of different equipments and machines the students are motivated to analyze the micro-structure and to estimate the resulting properties out of it.
Lab Outcomes
- 1. Conceptually explain the classification schemes that are used to categorize engineering materials.
- Explain the differences in the mechanical behavior of engineering materials based upon bond type, structure, Composition, and processing.
- Describe how and why defects (point, line and interfacial) in materials greatly affect engineering properties and limit their use in service.
- Use binary phase diagrams to predict microstructures and also to understand precipitation hardening.
Understand how thermal treatments affect the microstructure and, thus, properties of materials.
- Select the appropriate engineering materials and size basic parts, including the use of appropriate safety factors and cost, for specific engineering applications using mechanical properties such as: yield strength, tensile strength, ductility or elongation, impact strength, toughness, Poisson’s ratio, flexural strength, hardness, fatigue life, endurance limit, wear, and creep.
Strength of Materials
The main objective of this lab is to determine all the properties of engineering materials and their testing procedure for undergraduate students with all required experiments. These properties are useful for the students in subjects like strength of materials and Basic Mechanical Engineering. All the major properties are determined using related experiments such as tensile test, compressive test, hardness test, impact test torsion and bending test etc.
Students would be able to understand mechanical properties of the materials.
- Students would be able to determine tensile strength for ductile materials using UTM and to understand the stress strain curve for ductile materials.
- Students would be able to determine compressive strength for brittle materials using UTM and to understand the stress strain curve for brittle materials.
- Students would be able to determine hardness of materials using hardness testing machine.
- Students would be able to determine impact strength of material with Izod and charpy tests.
- Students would be able to determine torsional strength of materials.
- Students would be able to determine and validate the deflection and slope for the given beam.
Manufacturing Sci and Tech I lab
About Lab
Manufacturing Science lab is a part of curriculum of II year students with objective to get exposure to the students of understanding different techniques of joining processes for metals and non-metals. Lab consists of experiments regarding machine shop and welding shop. In machine shop experiments are performed on lathe, capstan lathe, shaper, slotter & milling, drilling, and grinding machine. In welding shop different types of welding joints such as lap, butt, corner, T- joints of same work piece are fabricated using different welding techniques such as Gas and Arc Welding. This lab enables the students to get thorough knowledge of different metal cutting processes and fabrication processes used in industry. Other experiments performed in the lab are casting, tube bending, grain sizeof sand on Sieve shaker, sand strength, patterns making.
Lab Outcomes
To design and manufacture the pattern and making casting of given specifications.
- To test and able to analyze different properties of different sand samples.
- Able to make product from injection molding.
- Able to design and locating the clamping devices for a given product.
- Able to make product using hand forging operations.
- To be able to understand the application of the different joining techniques, and be able to select an appropriate technique according to a specific requirement.
- To be conversant with the surface grinding process and to appreciate the effect of process parameters on the surface integrity aspects during the grinding process.
- To understand the meaning and importance of tribology, and how it affects the performance of a component during its service life.
- To understand the different wear mechanisms, how they occur, and how to analyze & interpret wear-related problems.
- To understand and appreciate the use of an Electro Discharge Machine (EDM) as a non-traditional method of machining complex and hard materials.
Applied Thermodynamics lab
About Lab
Thermal engineering lab is dedicated lab established in mechanical department to understand the basic principles of thermodynamics and its application in machines and in power plant engineering. Lab is equipped with automobile engines and its accessories, boilers structures, power plant setup, refrigeration model etc to get the detailed insight of the real word problem. In lab, Student visualize and understand the working of equipment’s and apparatus and incorporate its theoretical knowledge to practical knowledge like characteristics of the Otto, Diesel, and Brayton power cycles and the method of analysis of each cycle. Other activities to use the methods of analysis of refrigeration cycles.
Lab Outcomes
Able to understand the working of different boilers.
- Able to understand of two and four stroke petrol and diesel engine.
- To understand working principle of impulse and reaction turbine.
Able to determine indicated H.P. of I.C. Engine by Morse test.Theory of Machines lab
Lab outcomes:
- Able to understand working of links/models/mechanisms.
- Able to understand working of CAM apparatus.
- Able to understand and perform experiments on governor.
- To measure critical speed of shaft.
- Able to understand different elements of fear tooth profile.
Fluid mechanics lab
- Identify, name, and characterize flow patterns and regimes.
- Utilize basic measurement techniques of fluid mechanics.
- Conduct experiments (in teams) in pipe flows and open-channel flows and interpreting data from model studies to prototype cases, as well as documenting them in engineering reports.
- Able to measure the surface tension of a liquid and metacentric height of a ship model experimentally.
- To study the transition from laminar to turbulent flow and to determine the lower critical Reynolds number.
- To verify the Bernoulli‟s theorem.
- To verify the momentum equation.
- To study the boundary layer velocity profile and to determine boundary layer thickness and displacement thickness. Also to determine the exponent in the power law of velocity distribution.
- To determine the loss coefficients for the various pipe fittings.
- To study the flow behavior in a pipe bend and to calibrate the pipe bend for discharge measurement.
Manufacturing Science and technology-II lab
- Able to understand working of different machine tools and also also able to perform different machining operations on them.
- To be conversant with the different grinding process.
- To understand the toot wear, tool life and wear mechanisms, how they occur.
- To be able to understand the application of the different joining techniques, and be able to select an appropriate technique according to a specific requirement.
- To understand and appreciate the use of different non-conventional method of machining and welding.
Computer aided machine drawing lab
This lab is part of curriculum of mechanical 2nd year students to practice on Computer Aided Machine Drawing. This lab enables students to design machine components on computer using CAD software. The various machine components drawing includes screwed, fasteners, bolted joints, locking arrangements of nuts, foundation bolts, keys and cotters, shaft coupling, riveted joints etc.
- To learn CAD modeling software.
- To gain knowledge of design of machine components.
- To apply CAD software in real life applications.
- To develop an ability to understand drawing of machine components.
Theory of machine and design lab
Theory of Machines lab is to impart practical knowledge on design and analysis of mechanisms for the specified type of motion in a machine. With the study of rigid bodies motions and forces for the transmission systems, machine kinematics and dynamics can be well understood.
Lab Outcomes
- Demonstration exercises are provided with wide varieties of transmission element models to understand machine kinematics. Various experiments with governors, gyroscopes, balancing machines are available to understand machine dynamics.
Heat and mass transfer lab
Heat and mass transfer lab is a part of curriculum of mechanical 3rdyear students. The lab is well-equipped with calibrated equipment’s and enables students to understand the basics of modes of heat transfer i.e. conduction, convection and radiation.
Major Equipment’s in Heat Transfer Lab are Thermal conductivity of insulating powder apparatus, Thermal, Pin-Fin apparatus, Vertical tube loosing heat under natural convection, Emissivity measurement apparatus, Stefan Boltzmann apparatus, Parallel and counter flow heat exchanger, Two- phase heat transfer unit etc.
Lab Outcomes
- Account for the consequence of heat transfer in thermal analyses of engineering systems.
- Analyze problems involving steady state heat conduction in simple geometries like conductivity of metallic rod apparatus, Guarded hot plate method
- Develop solutions for transient heat conduction in simple geometries.
Obtain numerical solutions for conduction and radiation heat transfer problems
Machine Design –II
To solve the machine design problems using software’s like C++
Fluid Machinery Lab
The lab is included in curriculum of III year students is well-equipped and enables students to understand the fundamentals of turbine, pumps and ram. The turbine models available in lab are Pelton, Frances. Apart from it, other experimental setup in lab are reciprocating gear pump, vane pump, centrifugal pump, impact jet apparatus, test rig, hydraulic ram. Objectives of the experimental setup are to compare the results of analytical models introduced in lecture to the actual behavior of real fluid flows.
Lab Outcomes
- To provide the students with a solid foundation in fluid flow principles.
- To provide exposure to modern computational techniques in fluid dynamics.
- To provide the student knowledge in calculating performance analysis in turbines and pumps and can be used in power plants.
- Students becomes able to understand to analyze practical problems in all power plants and chemical industries.
- Students get trained to measure required flow rate and pressure rise, select the proper pump to optimize the pumping efficiency.
- Students are able to perform impact of jet experiment, Pelton, Frances and Kaplan turbine experiments.
- Students are able to understand working of hydraulic brake, and centrifugal pump.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning lab
This lab is a part of curriculum of mechanical 3rd yearstudents with facilities for the group of 30 students to carry out experiments independently. The lab is well-equipped and enables students to understand the basics of refrigeration and air conditioning. The students get trained and motivated to do research and to practice the technologies in the field of Thermal Engineering with Specialization in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning. Students gets solid understanding of Thermal Engineering fundamentals and applications required to solve real life problems. Major Equipments in Heat Transfer Lab are Refrigeration and air conditioning unit, heat pumps (mechanical and water) and cut- sectional models of Reciprocating and Rotary Refrigerant compressor.
- To understand the working principles and applications of refrigeration systems
- To analyze the performance of vapor compression refrigeration system
- To study the types and working principles of vapor absorption system
- Able to determine the performance of ICE plant
- Able to experimentally determine the performance of water cooler.
- To able to understand the working of window type air conditioning system
- Able to analyze the air conditioning processes using principles of Psychrometry
- Able to understand the working of summer air conditioning system
- Evaluate cooling and heating loads in an air conditioning system
- Create capacity to compute heating / cooling load
This Lab is part of curriculum in final year B.Tech course. Latest software’s in the field of CAD/CAM area have been purchased and are continuously upgraded. It introduces students to software and equipment associated with CAD/CAM. The students are trained to use computers for design and manufacturing. Other activity is to train the students to write CNC Programing to simulate tool path simulation for different components.
Lab Outcomes
- Acquire knowledge of CAD-CAM engineering and be able to discriminate, evaluate, analyze and integrate existing and new knowledge.
- Be able to critically analyze and carry out independent research on complex problems of CAD-CAM.
- Be able to carry out systematic research, design appropriate experiments and tools, and interpret experimental and analytical data for development of technological knowledge in CAD-CAM engineering.
- Be able to communicate effectively with written, oral and visual means, the design and research outcomes to the stakeholders. Be able to recognize state-of-the-art need and will be able to engage in life-long learning.
- Be able to understand professional and ethical responsibility while carryout out research and design activities. Be able to critically analyze, scrutinize and rectify decisions and actions and apply self-corrective measures.
Automobile Engineering Lab
The lab is equipped with experimental setup which enables students to conduct experiments on engines and other automobile subsystems. In automobile lab, working models of both petrol and diesel engines are available for students to perform tests like Morse test, SFC
etc. Major Equipment in Automobile Engineering Lab are Chassis of an automobile, Synchromesh gear box, Hydraulic and Mechanical brake, Vehicle lighting system, Fuel supply system , Differential gear box, Gear box, Suspension system, Steering system, Ignition system etc.
Lab Outcomes
- Describe, explain and demonstrate the various aspects of automobile components and system which include engine components, fuel and ignition systems, transmission systems and steering systems, suspension and braking systems and electrical and electronics system.